Friday, August 21, 2009

Good bye my dearest sister....

I'd been really busy for the past 2 weeks, helping my best friend packing as she was moving to Germany. My childhood friend that already like a sister to me. Somehow we both ended up in the US together from our far away home. And now, one journey has ended and another one is open up.

I took her to the airport today, and said my good bye softly. I know we will see each other again, but it feels different now that I can't see her anytime I want to or just drive for an hour to see her. But I am happy for her...her new life is lay upon her in Germany. With a future husband.

Life is a roller coaster. I looked back a year ago and everything was so different. We knew nothing about this present time, or that she will be leaving us and move to Germany. A year ago, we both were still looking for the answers. Now we know. And it's a bitter sweet for us. I know it was hard for her too to leave everything as this land is already like a second home for her. But we all got to do what we have to do....and I will miss her so much......I already do.....

Good bye for now hun, and I know I will see you again at your wedding in December. Until then, take a good care of yourself.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Stuff from the past year, and for the years to come?

Hmm....I realized that I haven't updated my blog for so long. Almost a year since the last time I wrote. I am not really sure what happened...Well, last year was truly a roller coaster for me. Got so crazy busy at work and school. Got so much drama more than I'd ever expected. But hey, now everything was gone, and it's so quiet. I've been out of the job since last April, and now just enjoying my unofficial retirement - I like to call it like that :) Well, I still have my journey upon me: finish my long due school. Hopefully I can walk in my commencement next Spring, yes, that's the goal for now. And then, what next? I don't know....

I was reading a few posted on my blog, and how I was bitching all the time about my job. But after all, it was my life, my whole life....The one that I got after worked so hard. My career in a big corporate. The one that I had so much important than many other things. I fight for everything in my life and many times I lose. But, I learn from every battle with a hope I will get stronger and stronger. It feels weird that I have less to fight now, or, maybe I haven't picked my next battle ring. I am resting now, before the next round coming.

And, I am still thanking God for everything. Though He is so funny sometimes and I still don't get Him. Well, I know He answers our prayers in a mystical way, and He did for my long prayer that I had for so many years. Surprisingly and unexpected. And I think, He wants me to get what I need and not what I want.

For now, I am living in a bubbly piggy's life :)

I am content now, not because I accepted that the situation is only a temporary scenario for me, but also, more likely, that I have someone next to me now. Someone that I know will make me happy. I still don't dare to foresee my own future, but I started to see a glimpse about 2 people in my future. Me. And someone special. Someone who doesn't give me butterflies in my stomach - now I realized that's because butterflies means insecurity, a feeling of being unstable. With him, I know he will catch me when I fall. No butterflies, but I feel secure. I still have questions I yet seek to find, but we both will try to be patient and guide each other. More important, we both will be there for each other.

Love you, MLP. You are my life now...

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